Re: Possiblity of Eva
As for controlling robots and other objects with the mind:
"Jonathan Ford" <> wrote in message
> First of all, we have to cinsider the body of the bio-mech.
> All EVA's are clones of either Lilith or ADAM. As of now we don't have the
> capability to genetically engineer such a being, but it may be possible
> (since in one episode they say that Angels' DNA is very similar to Human
> DNA). As for stabilization, ti won't be a big problem, since and EVA seems
> to have a similar skeletal structure to that of a human, with the A-10
> the pilot of the EVA will feel, and "be" the mech. Thus the pilot will
> automatically correct the balance of an EVA with his mind, just like we
> do when we walk.
> A-10 link:
> We're getting close to that, Scientists are mapping areas of the brain
> control different parts of our bodies, thus giving us the possibiltiy to
> control a prosthesis directly from our brain. This has allready been tried
> out on a monkey and all the tests came out reasonably well. So a complete
> neural interface may be possible in the near future.
> LCL fluid:
> As for breathability, we allready have a similar fluid that's in use.
> like water, it has the capability of containing large amounts of oxygen
> within it's self, allowing any animals (and humans) to breath normally in
> it. When exiting the liquid, it will automatically evaporate from our
> rather quickly, allowing us to return to our normal breathing patterns. As
> for separating the soul of a person inside of it from his/her body, that
> highly improbable. We don't even know what is counsciousness, Where it
> resides in the brain, or if it can be removed. The possibility of moving a
> soul from body to body, or even containing it will be a huge ethical
> question when it comes up, probably only Hindu's and Buddists' will be
> interested in this question, since they believe in reincarnation.
> "DigitalX" <> wrote in message
> news:k8NO9.172300$
> > is it theoreticly possible to create an Evangelion?
> > ---
> > -DigitalX
> > My sig is always different, and always has one or more spelling erorr
> > and/or typo. can you find it?
> > ---
> >
> >
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