Re: clothes
<.> wrote in message news:3dc9e6fd$0$12762$
> why do everyone wear the same clothes all the time? misato always wears
> red jumper, shinji always in his white shirt ... haven't they ever thought
> about giving them a wash and wear something else the next day?
This is true of many characters, animated and otherwise. I think its done to
inprove reconition of key people from one episode to the next.
I do recall seeing Misato in at least three other outfits. A dress while
at the bar with Kagi, a full uniform once for work at Nerve, and t-shirt
with shorts to guzzle beer for breakfast.
Auska wears a couple different outfits throughout the series.
Rei, Shingi, Gendo, Retsui, Kagi, and the rest seem to have very small
clothe closets though!
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