Re: Birth of NERV Paper
On 11 Oct 2002 18:12:05 -0700, (Gerard Motola)
>Did anybody else notice that if you zoom into the paper in English in
>epiode 21 (Birth of NERV) talking about the Second Impact and the
>Katsuragi Expedition (with the picture of Adam), it actually is
>talking about Daicon III, Ultraman and Wings of Honneamise? When
>Fuyutsuki puts this paper along with others on Gendou's desk a little
>bit later, I believe that I can can make out "GAINAX" and "anime
>'Shinseiki Evangelion'" on one of the other papers, (the upper corner
>of the only other one with a picture on it) but that one I'm less sure
>of. I can't find any mention of these on any webpage or newsgroup
>archive... Can anybody make out everything it says, because it's too
>blurry to read everything on my DVD player?
it says someting like that on the computer screen misato is looking at
in eoe and d and r.
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