Ramandu <ramandu1@aol.comnojunk> wrote in message
> James M. said:
> >just watched the english dub of EoE. In Misato's death sceen she mutters
> >should have changed the carpet like Auska said. Anyone knows what shes
> >refering to?
> >
> Welcome, but stop over-analyzing.  It was a rare moment of levity,
> between her final (on Earth, at least) good-bye to Shinji, and her getting
> blown to tiny bits.
> --R.--

Sorry, I was'nt implying a deeper meaning. I realise it was meant to be
humorous, the kind of thought brough on by the blood loss. I was just
wondering if it was refering to a insident in the seriers that I've since
    I just got done watching the series s few weeks back and don't feel
emotionly strong enough to rent it again yet to look for this reference.