Dear Top-poster,

"Fisher's Travel Guides" <@> wrote ...
> My dear Louise,
> If you looked at the website properly, then you will see that it's promoting 
> travel guides, not scare stories?!*! You really should be more accurate in 
> your criticisms. We've had many positive responses from participants in this 
> newsgroup who can a.) read properly and b.) obviously have more of an open 
> mind than yourself.

Between "person I've never heard of posting semi-spam" and Louise I 
know who my first impulse is to believe but I looked at your site anyway.

To put it simply the link to "True life travellers tales" on the home page
is obvious and easy to follow.  The links that _eventually_ lead to a page
where you can order a guide are non-obvious and a fiddle to
follow to their end.  Rather than snapping at Louise's feedback I suggest 
you take the opportunity to get your site redesigned by somebody who 
knows what they're doing.