FAQ : Mr. Richard Stallman 's opinion
Alpha-2 edition .
Q : Free software ? .
A : It is not related to the price of the software .
It is related to just freedom .
It is free to modifying the Free software .
It is free to copying the Free software .
It is free to selling the Free software .
You can get it without paying money .
Q : The Free software was able to selled .
How to get it without paying money ? .
A : Many people distribute Free software without selling .
Q : Why GPL makes both freedom and restriction ? .
A : If you do not want to sell your proprietary software .
Then , perhaps you do not want in opposition to the invade ,
or you do not think proprietary software invades
the Free software world as freedom .
Q : In short , does he think this ? :
`` We need not only writing the Free software but also
the opposition to the invade '' .
A : Yes .
Q : What is GNU ? .
A : GNU is the OS .
A perfect world of Free software need Free system .
GNU is for it .
Q : GNU/Linux ? .
A : GNU compiler ,UI ,and many many GNU softwares are
wrote for the OS GNU .
But of cource , the Free-kernel writer can employ them as
the parts of the Free OS she/he/other builds .
And ,
GNU softwares are employed as the partner of the Linux-kernel .
Then he thought the name of it
--One may say it is looks like GNU's Linux-- , GNU/Linux .
Q : How does he importance to kernel as
the parts of the system ? .
A : He said `` The compiler is more important ( than kernel ) ''
( CEy001997 ) .
There is the person who thinks
the compiler is not a part of the system .
But another one thinks the compiler etc. are
very important parts of the system . Mr. Stallman thinks so too .
In fact
the directry tree and the commands etc. are in the user area ,
but they are the parts of the system ( See GITS and Innocence ) .
Q : Why does he think
`` The compiler is more important ( than kernel ) ''
( at that time ) ? . Or hints ? .
A : He meant
`` I am never thought about the design of the software .
I am start coding before designing '' ( CEy001990 ) .
He also meant `` OOP is for mainly type of the value .
It is the timing of checking the type of the value at
the time which compiling or running .
It is a conclusion from my OOP experience at about CEy001980 ''
( CEy001990 ) ,and
`` ... It is the language just like Japan ''
( He was asked about Ruby . about CEy002001 ) .
He is one of the super hackers .
Then he may able to design without the desiging .
Seisei Yamaguchi (str_h__name = {"1st"=>jp( "$B@D@1(B"
),"family"=>jp( "$B;38}(B" )})
http://hello.to/seisei/ mailto:seisei@x68k.net tel:081-70-5152-1104
jp( "$BF|$,>H$C$F$$$?(B $B:#$+$i(B 5$B2/G/A0$K(B" )
The peace and the free-sex as one .
My message is opened .
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