They even have one for envating Britian, Mexico, and especially Canada.

"C.O.Jones" <> wrote in message news:<Q%tgc.2823$2e6.1844@lakeread01>...
> "jeboba" <> wrote in message
> news:G6cgc.11568$
> > Woodward's book was written from INTERVIEWS WITH BUSH HIMSELF! If you call
> > Woodward's book lies, then you are calling Bush a liar. I'm afraid your
>  boy
> > has been caught this time! Bush is going down! Wait til the news media
> > FINALLY picks up on the administrations ties to the "Project for New
> > American Century" which was founded by Cheney, Rumsfeld, Pearl, Rove, Jeb
> > Bush, and others. It started advocated the invasion of Iraq in 1997! You
> > think those guys didn't get into office with plans for Iraq LONG before
>  the
> > election?
> You think the military doesn't already have invasion plans for every nation
> on the planet?  Are you really that stupid?