>"Kay" <nospam@nospam.net> wrote in message
>> In article <5ba2f89c.0306091502.610d3a6@posting.google.com>,
>> says...
>> >
>> True, true.  Kaz's and USA's highlight of the day is
>> insulting Koreans.  But then there are Koreans
>> in this group who constantly bash Japanese too.
>I take offense to your allegation. What makes my
>day is attacking North Korea and all her commie
>stooge apologists. If that just happens to encompass ALL
>Koreans, well that's just coincidence.

>No, I am not making any allegation.  Your posts
>speak for themselves.

The only things that speaks for themselves are your blatant racism,

your vehement hatred for the United States and your impaired reasoning


>The fact is obvious to anyone with an unbiased
>position that anti-japanese racism on the part
>of Korean posters is rampant, whereas the reverse
>is not true except inresponse to such
>Korean racism.

>That's where you are pathetically wrong, my Japan-
>apologist.  I make no bones about Koreans apouting
>anti-Japaense statements, partially justified
>because of the sufferring they received.  None-the-
>less, it happened 58 years ago and it's about time
>to put it to bed.  Constantly ranting it helps
>nothing; it only feeds ammunition to racists like
>USA and Kaz.

So now you are calling me a Japan-Apologist..even though I have never

or denied Japans actions and atrocities during WWII. Can't you see what a
RACIST you are??

You really need professional help.

Yes as you say the Koreans posters need to get over it. It was 58 years ago.

 >Your racism clearly shows by singling out only one
>wrong where the wrongs are on both sides.  But then
>you probably do not understand it.

Only a biased racist would not be willing to objectively admit that Racist

against Japanese by Korean posters FAR FAR exceeds racist postings

by Japanese posters against Koreans. That was the whole point before you
bazrhed in here


>Frankly I think Koreans have something stuck up
>their collective asses because Japan never "invaded"
>Korea it merely annexed it.

Amazing. What is invasion?  Invasion means going into
another country without invitation at a gunpoint, and
that's what Japan did.  Korea was so weak and stupid
not to put up a good fight.  I cannot believe you
swallow all that Japanese propaganda.  Up until now,
I thought you had an IQ 90-100.  It appears you just
don't have any.  How can you swallow such blatant
propaganda, unless you are a racist.

The racist calling others a racist again.


Ask the CHINESE what being treated inhumanely is!

THAT is context of my post you friggin retard.

>Next, you are going to tell me that millions Africans
>voluntarily came to America to work as slaves.  Is
>that it?  Good grief!

No I never said that, but now YOU did. Idiot.

See how YOU say something on your own, attribute it to me on the grounds
that you "think"

I might say it, then dispute it, then condem it....ALL BY YOURSELF???


>did not commit atrocities as they did in China,

>So, what will satisfy you?  If I have a proof that
>Japanese killed 1,000, will you be satisfied?
>If I have a proof that Japanese killed 1,000,000
>Koreans, will you be happy?

If you mean what will it take to convince me that the suffering incurred by
the Korean people EQUATES EXACTLY to the suffering incurred by the Chinese

Then the answer nothing..unless you want to re-write history.

Talking avout human suffering does not make me "happy". Does it make YOU

>and brought Korea out of the dark ages into
>the modern world.

>Typical spin by a colonialists.  Nothing new here.
>Man, this guy is really a pathetic psycho!!!

YOU are the psycho you racist retard. You can't even tell the difference

An Invasion (Bombs, artillery gunfire) and Annexation (forced takeover
without battle).