Re: Why do British hate american culture?
Louise Bremner wrote:
> Adam Whyte-Settlar <> wrote:
>>>I was haunted by one lady who was possessed of disbelief that
>>>we had fridges, washing machines, telephones and the same
>>>Japanese cars as they had.
>>Iv'e mentioned this before but in Edinburgh in 1976 one Merkan tourist asked
>>me, in all seriousness, if we had 'phones in Inverness.
> Some time last year, several street vendors in Akihabara[1] were trying
> to sell huge stacks of antique Macs[2] for 500 yen[3] each. I have
> picture somewhere of one bloke sitting on a Plus, because it was cheaper
> than a chair. Although many people were cooing in nostalgia at seeing
> the old B&W desktop, no-one was buying.
Damn - I'd have bought 4 had I known. One more dead server here plus an
old door and I'll have a nice coffee table. But without vintage macs it
would look all so late 90's.
I am not who I think I am
I am not who you think I am
I am who I think you think I am
...or some such shite.
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