Duke of URL wrote:

> In news:hxVJb.279044$Ec1.9580857@bgtnsc05-news.ops.worldnet.att.net,
> Madra Dubh <ccaine@worldnet.att.net> radiated into the WorldWideWait:
> > <mtfester@netMAPSONscape.net> wrote in message
> > news:bt7lp5$4n4$3@news.Stanford.EDU...
> >> In fj.life.in-japan Madra Dubh <ccaine@worldnet.att.net> wrote:
> >>> <mtfester@netMAPSONscape.net> wrote in message
> >>
> >>>>> Aren't you Whyte-Settlars the ones who killed all the Indians?
> >>>>
> >>>> They kille all of us???
> >>
> >>> Nah, we're still hide out in the woods..............waiting.
> >>
> >> I hid in the woods in Wisconsin when I was a kid. Now, I have a
> >> house in San Francisco; much more comfortable.
> >
> > Yes well us First People once had houses as well.
> > Then all you Europeans came, shot us and the kids, and took our
> > homes. It's been the woods ever since.
> Mud-plastered birchbark teepees do NOT qualify as "houses".

Home is where you hang your hat...
Oh, wait! We didn't have hats either.
Never mind.  ~(:-0