Re: Where is KevinG when you need him?
Ryan Ginstrom wrote:
> "Declan Murphy" <> wrote in message
>>If it was the US (assuming the situation is the same/similar in
>>each/every US state) then yes there would be fair cause for worry. In
>>NSW though, just as there is "socialised medicine" (a federal issue),
>>there is socialised industrial relations, worker's compensation etc.
>>Instead of being dependent of the insurance companies, its a dependence
>>on the publicly owned WorkCover Authority (the inspectors hired by the
>>WA are considered unusually stringent, as are its auditors) and the role
>>of the NSW Ombudsman.
> In the US they have a government program called "workers compensation," and
> the abuses are infamous. I trust government bureaucrats to run a worker's
> compensation system only slightly more than an insurance company, but at
> least their idiocy is not motivated by profit.
We all must rise to our appropriate level of incompetence. Is there an
office equivalent to an Ombudsman in sepponia too?
"Originality usually amounts only to plagiarising something unfamiliar"
- Katharine Fullerton Gerould
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