Re: Jpn Govt. Pays Out for the Lives of Its Citizens - Was: I'vefinally figured this puppy out
HystEric Takabayashi reverted to type and typed:
> Declan Murphy wrote:
> Still irrelevant to the fact of Iraq's need and the fact most of the world
> including the UN and Red Cross, don't want to get involved. If the UN and Red
> Cross are getting out, who the hell is going to help Iraq?
In my opinion, nobody is "going to help Iraq", and nobody is. Though
plenty are and will pretend to want to do so as a veil for their own
national interests.
>>In case you haven't noticed yet, Turkey has more than one border. In
>>case you haven't noticed yet, Turkey has lived with one or more hostile
>>neighbours for most of its history. In case you haven't noticed yet,
>>Turkey has been fighting an armed internal insurgency against PKK
>>guerillas for many years.
> If the US had been allowed in, they could have done something about that, as
> well, particularly if they had been stupid enough to attack Americans; and if any
> other power such as UN peacekeeping forces would like to help Turkey, they can do
> it too.
If the US had been allowed in, they would have done nothing except
transit through on their way to the nearest Iraqi oil field, leaving the
Turks to clean up the mess. As for the PPK, are you insane? If Turkey's
security forces are unable to make headway against the PKK, US forces
would have zero chance.
>>Absolutely. Unilateral US moves reflecting what the US gov perceives to
>>be US interests in Iraq
> The US sure acted unilaterally, but Iraq is not merely a US interest.
Last time I looked, it was an Iraqi interest, albeit one under
occupation by a bunch of fools trying to siphon off Iraqi wealth through
oil and other contracts dividing the loot.
"Beyond the Euphrates began for us the land of mirage and danger, the
sands where one helplessly sank, and the roads which ended in nothing.
The slightest reversal would have resulted in a jolt to our prestige
giving rise to all kinds of catastrophe; the problem was not only to
conquer but to conquer again and again, perpetually; our forces would be
drained off in the attempt." - Emperor Hadrian AD 117-138
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