"news.verizon.net" wrote:

> Micro Focus Net Express 3.0
> http://www.viscro.com/merant/netexpress.htm
> Micro Focus Object Cobol Developer Suite For Unix 4.1
> http://www.viscro.com/merant/objectcobol.htm


I was surprised to see the references to the above sites - but kind of pricey if
you are just after a learning tool replacement. Check with your instructor - you
can probably get a version of Net Express University Edition Version 4.0 for
around $100 (US) - this includes quire a few nifty enhancements - Java access,
SQL etc.

But note it is *only* a learning tool. You can't distribute software you've
written for sale. (No details on this, but I'm told it has a built-in
restriction on file sizes to stop you being able to use it commercially). And
like the products mentioned above, the commercial version adds on a series of
zeroes to the price.. Chances are, should you subsequently wish to upgrade,  you
*may* get a slightly reduced price on the commercial version if you have been an
'learner' on the University Edition.

Jimmy, Calgary AB.