Kevin Wayne Williams wrote:
> John W. wrote:
>>shuji matsuda wrote:
>>>In article <3F6A3700.8090203@yahoo.komm>, "John W." <worthj1970@yahoo.komm> wrote:
>>>:Actually now I live in Nashville. Interesting thing about that: my wife
>>>:and I have made more Japanese friends here than in the Bay Area. 
>>>Hi John, what are you doing now in Nashville?  I have never thought
>>>you are becoming a country singer.
>>My wife got a good position here, so we moved. I figure I have about as
>>much chance being a country singer as anything else. :)
> If you want to fit in, you need to figure out how to transition to the
> appropriate music. I think you should pick up some of the "Pickin' On
> ..." series to help. I am listening to "Pickin' on the Rolling Stones"
> as I write, and the mandolin solo in "Paint It Black" is absolutely
> beautiful.
> Note to Declan: This series hasn't got the humorous bent that the
> Fargone Beauties provide, but I would bet that any fan of the Fargones
> would like them. Both volumes of "Pickin' on Led Zeppelin" are damn
> good, too.
I've heard some of that; excellent music.

John W.