USA wrote:
> "John W." <worthj1970@yahoo.komm> wrote in message
> news:3F6C66FE.9040004@yahoo.komm...
>>NZ_Lamb wrote:
>>>"John W." <worthj1970@yahoo.komm> wrote in message
>>>>Don't take it the wrong way, but I really felt no particular obligation
>>>>to introduce myself more than I did. If someone's coming here to pick
>>>>fights or bully around someone, then they don't deserve it.
>>>>John W.
>>>I guess you have never read this fellow KAZs' near psychotic racist
>>>ramblings in this newsgroup and others. If you had, you'd never suspect
>>>the original poster of picking fights or bullying anyone.
>>No, I have. But it's one thing to flame away at someone who replies to
>>an otherwise benign/non-inflamatory/etc. post, but quite another to
>>create a post (or several, as has been the case in the past few months)
>>simply to insult someone or drag them into a flame war. In my mind that
>>makes the original poster look like an idiot.
>>John W.
> Well I looked at this thread and I don't see anywhere where this guy is
> insulting
> anyone or draging anyone into a flame war, even Kaz himself. Do you?
> He just asked a question and then we see why he asked it.

Doesn't matter. In my book that's a troll in action. He asked a question 
that he knows is inflamatory because that particular topic has been 
around for quite some time. That it didn't devolve into a flame war is 
good; though I haven't read all of the posts, it appears to be the 
anti-Kaz lobby playing with themselves. That's fine, I suppose, if 
that's how they want to act.

As for me picking a fight, perhaps. Probably it's that I'm just bored of 
this thread getting cross posted every month or so.

John W.