The 2-Belo wrote:
> Declan Murphy and is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>>Michael Cash wrote:
>>>On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 15:38:02 +0900, Declan Murphy
>>><> belched the alphabet and kept on going
>>>>Ernest Schaal wrote:
>>>>>in article, Declan Murphy at
>>>>> wrote on 9/15/03 10:28 PM:
>>>>>>Michael Cash wrote:
>>>>>>>On Sun, 14 Sep 2003 23:26:55 +0900, Declan Murphy
>>>>>>><> belched the alphabet and kept on going
>>>>>>>>Of course, but something/one else will pop up in place - I can imagine
>>>>>>>>the country going bonkers over say - archery - and instantly producing a
>>>>>>>>thousand reasons why it is *natural* that Japanese would dominate the
>>>>>>>>sport nado nado.
>>>>>>>Anyone else remember the synchronized swimming nonsense from a few
>>>>>>>years back?
>>>>>>Nonsense though it was, how could you expect anyone to forget it?
>>>>>That must have been something I missed. How far back was it? What happened? 
>>>>Barcelona and Atlanta. What happened? For me it was basically LEGS.
>>>And the entire country going apeshit over a retarded sport.
>>Retarded sport notwithstanding, LEGS aren't necessarily a bad thing to 
>>go apeshit over.
> As long as it's just legs. From the looks of most of the women on the Japan
> national team, it's quite obvious that they'd only want to show their legs to
> the judges. I mean, WOOF.

I take it you're not a fan of nosepegs?

"Having tried intelligence to win the war on terrorism and achieved 
mixed results - bad and worse - the defense department has decided to go 
the other way and give stupidity a chance." - Alan Abelson