Eric Takabayashi wrote:
> Michael Cash wrote:
>>A woman with three huge boobs visited Japan. One of them wrote an
>>account of the trip:
>>I am proud of myself for having made it through two whole pages.
> "I discover that this country also has its assholes: trying to
> convert エ95 in loose change to a エ100 coin that the vending machines
> will accept, the desk clerk staunchly refusesムdespite my puppy dog
> eyesムunless I cough up the missing エ5 (4 cents). You would never see
> that in America."
> Huh?
I think he means that you'd never see this in America because nobody is
stupid enough to do that. Actually, if you're a regular customer this
probably happens, and some hometown shops would do it. My inlaws find it
amazing that people just 'give up' their pennies at the cash register of
a convenience store....

John W.