
> Eric Takabayashi <> wrote:
> > wrote:
> >> > There are lots of books on Unit 731 in Japan.  People have an ability to read.
> >>
> >> So, NOW your complaint is NOT that things are covered up,
> > They are being covered up, until the government comes clean and opens up those
> > files, and reveals what was lost and destroyed.
> What would they reveal? That Unit 731 existed? Done. That they performed
> medical experiments on humans? Done.
> What else?

Give us the details, like the way they drag out new details about Hiroshima even now.
Handle the Unit 731 and other wartime issues, the way they want the problems with North
Korea handled, up to and including prosecuting those responsible decades later.

> >> but that people aren't interested in what you think they SHOULD be interested????
> > Not what I think they should be interested in, but what they really should be
> > interested in.
> Defined by...?


> Sorry, why should they really be interested in this?

Because it's their history, and their view of history is one sided.

> And please provide me a reference about these mass-graves in Tokyo.
> Pretty please?


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