Cindy wrote:
> Declan Murphy wrote:
>> Shovels are damn usefuls. There is nothing like a good shovel, except 
>> two good shovels of course.
> There are a good shovel and bad shovel?

もちろん。 Its much harder to bash a pig (or kangaroo) to death with
poor quality shovels than with the real McCoy. Of course there is
widespread view that those blaming the poor quality of their shovels for
 the difficulties they encounter when preparing for a good spit roast
are simply covering for their own inadequacies and poor preparation.

>> Maybe you should go to a good video store and rent a copy of "The 
>> Testing of Eric Olthwaite" - Its in English, but then English is not 
>> always in English, even when its English or in English. Unfortunately 
>> I'm prepared to bet you two  beers (or your preferred poison) that 
>> your local video store won't have any of the "Ripping Yarns" titles.
> No thank you.  I would rather read Genji Monogatari in original Japanese.

Which edition are you reading?

"Actually, the US accounts for over 1/3 of the global GDP"

"I have to go against straight monetary comparisons in favor of PPP"

                                                      gowenomics 101