Kevin Gowen wrote:

> John W. wrote:
> > Eric Takabayashi <> wrote in message
> > news:<>...
> >>
> >> Then you aren't paying much attention to the attitudes of the
> >> general public
> >> themselves when they respond in surveys for example, that they
> >> support
> >> traditional gender roles
> >
> > Once I wrote a graduate thesis on a topic similar to this. Sigh.
> Should we take that sigh to mean that there is something dismaying about
> traditional gender roles?

I believe women are most fit for early child care because they have the
equipment, but it does not mean women should be required to stay home or
men should make most of the money. It is kind of sad to see that mizu
shobai places are the ones instituting 24 hour child care, flexible
schedules, and providing houses and cover stories, to encourage single
women or single mothers to work.

> --
> Kevin Gowen
> "The US economy accounts for about one-third of global GDP-greater than
> the next four countries combined (Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom
> and France)."
> - "Advancing the National Interest: Australia's Foreign and Trade
> Policy White Paper", Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade