"John W." wrote:

> Eric Takabayashi <etakajp@yahoo.co.jp> wrote in message news:<3F06C8B8.D351E33F@yahoo.co.jp>...
> >
> > Then you aren't paying much attention to the attitudes of the general public
> > themselves when they respond in surveys for example, that they support
> > traditional gender roles
> Once I wrote a graduate thesis on a topic similar to this. Sigh.

How long did it take you to find that out? The newspaper found it out by interviewing a few
thousand people.

Unfortunately in Japan, surveys do not seem to carry a margin of error, which is why people are
able to complain to me that it is only what some people said. In the US if CNN or TIME telephone a
few thousand people, they'll get it within three or four percent of what is estimated of the
entire population.