Kevin Gowen wrote:

> Israel's force isn't undue.

So even a military helicopter firing seven missiles at a car (AND failing to
kill the mark despite destroying the target) in a residential area, taking out
bystanders, when a sniper, assassin or traitor could do it cleaner and
cheaper, is not undue force? Rolling a bulldozer over an American protester
instead of carrying her away or using gas, as would be done in her home
country, is not undue force? Bulldozing civilian homes with families sleeping
in them is not undue force? Firing rockets into civilian neighborhoods because
someone in them is shooting at soldiers, is not undue force? Shooting
civilians dead from behind is not undue force? Beating up civilian non
terrorists in the street is not undue force? A lethal attack on a known US
warship is not undue force? Massacre in a refugee camp is not undue force?

> What do you really think would happen if Israel
> declared tomorrow, "We renounce violence forever. We have dissolved our
> armed forces"?

Straw man. Both Israeli forces and extremists have to give up attacks on