Kevin Gowen wrote:

> Kevin Wayne Williams wrote:
> > John Yamamoto-Wilson wrote:
> >
> >> KGII:
> >>> 83-year-old Belgian grandmothers and 8-year-old Chinese kids are
> >>> not the ones trying to blow us up.
> >>
> >>
> >> That kind of thinking worries me. By all means, the authorities
> >> should be targetting very specifically the people behind the
> >> attacks. But they have to be *very* careful not to attack whole
> >> communities or ethnic groups. That path leads to large scale
> >> alienation and escalation of the problem.
> >
> > It should worry you for the opposite reason. The logical reaction of
> > terrorists is to brainwash 83 year-old Belgian grandmothers and 8
> > year-old Chinese kids into carrying bombs.
> Huh?

More accurate than saying terrorism is the act of Muslims, is to say that such
acts including those which have occurred in the US, is to say they are mainly
the acts of men. It could be caucasian members or former members of militias
or those sometimes referred to as gun nuts. It could be intellectual loners or
serial killers also of the caucasian male persuasion. It is not 83 year old or
eight year old Muslims planning or carrying out such crimes either.