Re: Turning Japanese
Ryan Ginstrom wrote:
> It certainly isn't because of my perfect Japanese -- my foreign accent is
> usually noticeable after a sentence or two. So it must be looks, coupled
> with a mechanism people here seem to invoke to dispel the cognitive
> dissonance created by a Japanese-talking white boy.
It seems perfecctly reasonable to me to assume that all white boys in
Okinawa are either US military or haafu. Are you sure you aren't haafu?
If not, why not? You are in denial.
(Or back in the military?)
Those of you who have
> met me can judge for yourselves, but I must say that nobody ever asked me if
> I was part Japanese until I came to Okinawa (although several people asked
> me if I was Brazilian...)
You look pretty Brazilian to me. More so than Zico.
And is there any gaigin in Aichi who hasn't been asked if they were
Brazilian? Especially by Brazilians? Usually in Brazilianese?
"All FDR undid was the value of the dollar"
Kevin Gowen (really)
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