Michael Cash wrote:
> On Fri, 06 Jun 2003 18:49:50 +0900, Declan Murphy
> <declan_murphy@hotmail.com> belched the alphabet and kept on going
> with:
>>Foxy Emma Jane wrote:
>>>Norman Diamond wrote:
>>>>"Foxy Emma Jane" <foxyemmajane@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>>>>So I put 600,000 yen in a Japanese Bank's "saving" account.
>>>>>1. After 4 months how much interest had I earned?
>>>>2 yen
>>>>but if the 4 months were February to June and if you've already
>>>>closed the account then you might not get the 2 yen.
>>>I was thinking of moving the money overseas, but if it
>>>means I will loose all my interest, I may have to think
>>The bank charges for transferring the well earned loot overseas would
>>exceed 2 yen by a fair margin methinks. 
> The bank charges for just taking the money out and putting in her
> pocket would also exceed 2 yen by a(n un)fair margin.

Yerright. Forget about touching the money for at last 15 years.

"All FDR undid was the value of the dollar"

                        Kevin Gowen (really)