Hi Paula,

        Note: Followup-to is set to japan.www.browser.mozilla.

> What do I need to download so the characters come up right?
> Auto Posting wrote:
> > 
> > This message is written in Japanese.
> > 
> > ◆頭のおかしい人に“餌”を与えるのはやめましょう。

You are now using Netscape 4.5 on Windows 98 or Windows Me, right?
Then, follow the instructions below:

1. Install 'Japanese Language Support' from Microsoft's WindowsUpdate
   site. Microsoft claims that it is for IE and Outlook Express, but
   it can be used for any other application, as long as it supports
2. You will find a new font, named 'MS Gothic', was installed.
3. Start your Netscape, press the menubar at Edit -> Preferences to
   set Japanese fonts (both proportional and fixed-pitch) to MS Gothic.
5. Open this message, then press the menubar at View -> Character Set
   -> Japanese (auto-detect).

Good luck!

飯嶋 浩光 / でるもんた・いいじま   http://www.ht.sakura.ne.jp/~delmonta/
IIJIMA Hiromitsu, aka Delmonta           mailto:delmonta@ht.sakura.ne.jp