Michael Wignall wrote:
> "J.C. Bengtson" <golbez@ptd.net> wrote in message
> news:3DAD8850.7156D643@ptd.net...
> > -- If the Eva's possess souls, whose are in each one?
> >
> > Well, we know that Shinji and Asuka's mothers are in EVA-01
> >  and EVA-02 respectively, and it's almost certain that Naoko
> > Akagi is in EVA-00 (besides the chalk outline and blood, we
> > never see the aftermath of her death).. but what about the others?
> There is absolutely _nothing_ that connects Naoko to Eva-00, that
> theory is one of the most unsupported pieces of rubbish out there
> in my opinion.

Aieee.. no reason to get offensive, sheesh. The reasoning for that
statement is because of things said in the Eva Otaku FAQ (forgot the
URL, but it's the one with the translation of the 'Red Cross Book'), and
also because of EVA-00's reactions everytime it's gone berserk. Who did
it try and attack each time?

Gendo -- Naoko would obviously be extraordinarily pissed to find out
that she's not only NOT dead, but in the body of an Eva itself!

Ritsuko -- Well, wouldn't you be a little ticked at your daughter for
not only sleeping with your former lover, but also who was likely
responsible for the "transplant" into an essentially immortal form?
Well, Unit Zero blew itself up near the end of the series but that's
another story..

Rei -- Her hatred of Rei should be obvious, given the fact she strangled
to death the first one, who was only a child!

Shinji is the one anomaly, but since he WAS the product of Yui and
Gendo's union.. it would enrage her to be "controlled" by him. It's
interesting to note that the time it goes berserk when Shinji is in the
entry plug, the Eva opts to smash it's head against the wall instead of
attacking the window..

Granted, the first three were always the ones standing near the
observation window, but Ritsuko did muse to herself that EVA-00 was
"after her" in one case, which demonstrates a knowledge of who's
actually in there.

J.C. Bengtson - "Makoru"
 * http://home.ptd.net/~golbez
 * http://sailorscout.redversusblue.com