The "EARTH RECORD" project needs contemporary human stories from every

We wish to compile stories of humans born after 1900.

We need real lives, all from birth to death.

The life could be one of your parents, your bother, your aunt, your
child, a friend, an enemy or just someone you've heard about.

A famous life, a simple life, a painful life, a happy life, a creative
life, a sad life, a tragic life, a normal life, a meaningful life, a
wasted life, we need them all!

If you wish to submit a life for this record try follow these  steps,
but any attempt will be accepted:

Include Full Name and Country.

Divide the life into 10 sections.  Each section should reveal an
important transition, either good, bad or neutral.

Important Steps: moving, marriage, injury, conversion, divorce, death of

relative or friend, new child, new job, sickness, recovery, vacation,
school, jail, travel, death, war, disasters, joys, ect.

Section one - Conception to ONE YEAR Old. (Include both parents first
names, if available)

Section 2 to 9 - Approximately five years to 50.  (There is no hard and
fast rules on the age in any one section.)

Section 10 - Death at age 60 or older.

Some lives will not have 10 sections due to an untimely death.

Some lives will only have one section (miscarriage, stillborn or ), some

will have 3, some 7, ect.

Subject can still be living.

Each section has to define that life at that moment in time.

Each section can be one to four lines long. (Longer if needed)

Simple Example:

1)  John Smith - Born 1920 / USA - to Mary and Fred Smith
2)  Age 4 -   Family moves to new home
3)  Age 12 - Breaks leg while playing baseball
4)  Age 18 - Joins Army - Sent to Hawaii
5)  Age 21 - Dies at Pearl Harbor
6 - 10)   not needed

The more detail the better.

Especially interested in third world lives.

email to:

Please forward this message to as many people as you like.

When the project is complete, all who have contributed will be notified
where entire list can be viewed.


Thanks for your help.

Ken Tapston