Rudolf Polzer wrote:
> Scripsit illa aut ille Watchman <>:
> > "Vaughn L.Porter" wrote:
> > > Rudolf Polzer <> wrote in message
> [...]
> > > > --
> > > > Just wasting time on: Usenet
> > > > Just testing:         mpg123d
> > > > Just playing:         Megumi Hayashibara - Infinity
> > > > Just perlvimming:     :'<,'>perldo $_=(' 'x int(36-.5*length$_)).$_;
> > >
> > > Excommunication is the least of your worries, if you continue to inflate
> > > Disaster's already titanic ego-borderline. BTW, what's the Latin for "May
> > > the Force Be With You."?
> > >
> > >                         Vaughn L.Porter
> > >                          Carpe Diem!
> >
> > Shouldn't that be Carpe Jugulem(sp?) where Disaster is concerned?
> Carpe Jugulem? That's Terry Pratchett - you know, the one with the
> multiple exclamation marks which are a sure sign of mental disease.

Mental Disease!!!

Are you sure?!!!!?!!!


> "Carpe diem" does fit to Disaster - of course, for Zeruel there would be
> something else: "carpe noctem" (jul bayl ng avtug?).

...seize the night?


      'Anyone who isn't confused doesn't really know what's going on'