Frank White wrote:

>In article <>, 
>>"Frank White" <fwhite*NOSPAM*> wrote:
>>[Snip FW stuff]
>>>Tell yourself it's just a TV show, and you really should relax!
>>>(Also, most of your questions involve technical matters we don't
>>>have info on.  We can speculate, but being able to answer
>>>conclusively one way or the other?
>>>No can do.)
>>>Best of luck, anyway!
>>Don't mind Frank, he has apparently not contemplated NGE enough yet. 
>>a few more years he may catch up.
>'Ere now.  I'll pit my ability to BS against anyone's.
>Well, except for those old puds who hang out in 
>retirement homes (used to cluster in the general stores
>and service stations before they got booted out) and
>who have been slinging crud since the day they were
>born.  They're BS masters.
>But the guy asked for real answers.  We don't have many
>of those in NGE; just speculation.  And when I don't know
>the answers, I'm honest enough to say so.
How true :(  I must admit, although there are a whole bunch of theories 
out there I am still skeptical of 90% of them.  I think that's one of 
the great things about NGE... the story is somewhat muddy, even flawed. 
 But that's just a byproduct of it being so ambitious and on such a 
grand scale.
