Disaster wrote:
> "Ramandu" <ramandu1@aol.comnojunk> wrote:
> > Disaster said:
> >
> > >Instrumentality is primarily concerned with the soul however. LCL is kind of
> > >like a byproduct that may or may not be used depending on choices made by
> > >individuals. The unified soul is not inside Lilith either. Lilith at most was
> > >the unifier, but not the vessel of the "Mega-soul.*"
> >
> > Thank you, your explanation makes sense, but I'm not convinced that Lilith
> > isn't the vessel of the Unified Soul. Don't we see her kind of suctioning off
> > some red stuff from the Dark Moon with an orgasmic look on her face? As though
> > she's thinking, whee, look what I'm absorbing into me? And isn't it true that
> > Shinji, still inside Unit 01, doesn't have the Mega Soul experience until
> right
> > after he gets sucked into Lilith's forehead?
> I don't think that Shinji ever gets into the Mega Soul. I may have worded my
> comments wrong. Vessel was probably the wrong term to use as it can be
> interpreted in another way. Lilith was there to unify the souls into the Mega
> Soul. Thus the souls went to her. I do not believe she still holds the souls
> though. The Mega Soul would exist on some metaphysical level, more closely
> related to dreaming then anything else, but one dream, as opposed to one dream
> per soul that went in because there is only one Soul there. It is after all a
> joining of everyone into a singular to remove the border of the soul and remove
> isolation. The reason I don't believe that Lilith is the possesor of the Mega
> Soul is because she fell apart at the end of 3rd Impact. Well, her body did
> anyhow.
> > BTW, is it reasonable to say that the difference between death and being
> > LCL-ified is that the in former the soul leaves the AT Field behind, but in
> the
> > latter the AT Field goes too?
> The ATF IS the border of the soul. The point at which the soul ends and the rest
> of the world beginnings. It's not possible to have a soul leave and still retain
> the ATF. This is where the EGO border theory might help but then we would
> require the Ego to be more then mental. Actually I think that there was a
> discussion about this before, death and the ATF. Anyone remember it?

Not really... arguments have a tendency to blur into one another here.

> > > Mega-soul is my own personal term used simply to avoid having to type out
> > >"unified soul."
> >
> > Well, if you include the hyphen, you're only saving three keystrokes... :p
> Do not bother me with minor details. It's much easier to type two four letter
> words. I like four letter words. They are nice and simple!
> --

But 'simple' has six letters! :p

      'Anyone who isn't confused doesn't really know what's going on'