Re: Japanese Heater
"Sybaris" <> wrote in message
>I have a Japanese kerosene heater that I got while I lived in Japan. It's
> great when it works. Wish they had the same kind in the U.S.. Anyway,
> I keep getting this error code and don't know what it means. The codes are
> on the side of the heater and I took a picture of it. I'd really
> appreciate
> it if someone would take a look at the photo and translate the codes for
> me.
> It's cold and I need to get this thing working.
> The heater is a Corona GT-3260 INVERTER
Have you made sure to thoroughly clean the dust away from the intake grills
around the back of the heater - this always used to help with our
now-redundant collection of heaters. There's a thermostat thingy on the
back as well - a little wire sticking out - or maybe that's a different type
of sensor...anyway I always made sure it was protruding as far away from the
body of the heater as possible. The last piece of advice requires a bit of
a financial investment - build a new house, spend a few hundred man on a
central air-conditioning system, never have to worry about heating again.
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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