Michael Cash wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Jan 2006 18:33:53 GMT, santa <santa@claus.com> brought down
> from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>> In article <1137779127.396436.4270@g14g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>,
>> "John W." <worthj1970@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> Paul Blay wrote:
>>>> "John W." <worthj1970@yahoo.com> wrote ...
>>>>> Dave Fossett wrote:
>>>>>> No idea. Have you tried Google? :-)
>>>>>> http://www.google.com/
>>>>> Much quicker to simply answer if you know, and if you don't....
>>>> There's an old saying.
>>>> Give a man a link and he has pr0n for a day.
>>>> Teach him to use Google and he has pr0n for the rest of
>>>> his life.
>>> I bow down to your wisdom, but not to your jizo.
>>> John W.
>> "Jizo" is also nanpa slang for a guy who just stands there uselessly
>> (like the statue) instead of approaching girls.
> Which immediately brings to mind the slang term "maguro onna"...

Since noone else has bit, and googling doesn't help much (although I'm
beginning to get some sort of picture involving peanut butter and
milkshakes), could you elaborate?
