<vernon.north@oyama.ca> wrote in message news:<MPG.1996cb7e30de16999896ac@shawnews.vc.shawcable.net>...
> In article <365fcc52.0308022017.6b34a8e3@posting.google.com>, 
> kaz@ivebeenframed.com says...
> > <vernon.north@oyama.ca> wrote in message news:<MPG.19957f64bc43a31f98969d@shawnews.vc.shawcable.net>...
> > 
> > > As Kaz's official translator, I see I have been called again.
> > > 
> > > What Kaz meant is "Cindy and Daigoro have not fallen into xenophobic 
> > > racism as I have.  They have good manners.  
> > 
> > Again, you unrepentant sick White supremacist racist wrote a statement
> > showing your ugly biased self-esteemed attitude, which unfairly and
> > cowardly declare as "Asian(Japanese) manner is bad and Western manner
> > is superior" without any rational reason. I'm completely disgusted
> > with you. Now I see reforming an ultra White supremacist like you is
> > impossible because you are so egoistic self-esteemed junk then never
> > even try to listen from other person's view(sigh).
> > 
> Au contraire, mon ami.
> I wrote a statement saying that the "Kaz" manner is bad, and that the 
> "objective" manner through which people are judged as individuals is 
> superior.  But individuals who constantly employ racist stereotyping are 
> bad.  People like you.
> Verno

Constant liar!