Re: Request for Information re: English Language Teaching
Larry Fitzsimmons wrote:
> Hello:
> I am an American attorney in Tokyo who is looking to fill a current gap
> in my employment by teaching English while I search for legal
> employment in Tokyo. I am looking for a not-too-strenuous gig and
> moderate pay while I continue searching for an attorney job in Tokyo.
> I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions regarding English
> teaching employment in Tokyo (I would prefer something on the West side
> of Tokyo as I live near Shinjuku). I have been curious about the
> private companies like Eneos and Nova, but haven't really heard
> anything firsthand about them. Does anyone on this newsgroup have any
> information regarding teaching at these schools?
Who gives up the BMW, office with a view, and financial security to
teach old ladies how to say, "This is a pen" for $2000 a month?
- Kevin
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