"Shannon Jacobs" <shanen@my-deja.com> wrote in message news:<40c25692$0$19838$44c9b20d@news2.asahi-net.or.jp>...

> In this particular library, the policy is to recycle excess books (from a
> shelf near the entrance), and someone presumably did take the book. That's
> happened to a number of the books I've donated, especially since they
> reduced their shelf space for non-Japanese books. Some of the staff members
> even recognize me as a donor, though I donate less often than I used to. Now
> I try to cater to the types of books they favor (with the others going to
> various other libraries with more shelf space).
> However, as I mentioned in the original message, I discussed this specific
> book with the librarian. Actually I discussed it with several of them, but
> longest with the most senior librarian. The impression I received was that
> he recognized the book, both for it's significance and controversy, and he
> seemed to be quite explicit in saying that the controversial nature did not
> detract from its importance, and that the library wanted to offer all
> perspectives. They still have shelf space for an ancient copy of "The Death
> of Common Sense" (which I also donated), but not for "Against All Enemies",
> which is much more worthy of being read and considered widely.

Oh, this godawful bore is not done yet with his crappy whining "I
donated a piece of shit and those pesky Japanese didn't frame it in
gold frames" . . . now I understand why the other contributors started
to miss me, the improved version of Shannon. . . it's kind of funny,
this Jacobs fellow is not EVIL in a MAJOR league way, but sometimes
one should be forgiven for feeling tempted to prefer genuine, cunning
evil to a _possibly_ well-intentioned but nevertheless utterly
crashing bore of historically unmatched proportions.

Shannon's Better Alter(ed) Ego