Re: Ping Mike - Police procedures question
"Ken Yasumoto-Nicolson" <> wrote in message
> BTW, I thought it was a bizarre theory the police seem to have: the
> girl was abducted because she had a keitai. I would be willing to bet
> that it's someone known, if not close to the family.
I agree it seems a little far-fetched. But round here for example an
elementary school child with a keitai generally equals parents with a keitai
obsession - or a precocious child who gets everything he (or more normally
she) demands. Such precociousness could be interpreted by a degenerate
'wacko' as proof of sexual maturity. This in no way, shape or form absolves
the sick bastard of responsibility for the hideous crime he has committed,
but it doesn't take more than a passing familiarity with TV crime shows such
as Law and Order or CSI to appreciate the lengths to which some criminals
will suspend their grasp on reality.
If I discovered one of my young students had their own mobile telephone -
for use other than to call and let their mother know when to pick them up
from an after-school activity, I could well imagine myself discussing the
matter with my wife using expressions such as "little madam", "spoilt brat"
or even stronger language reserved strictly for adults. One person's
disapproval is another wastoid's sexual turn-on. I just hope, when they
inevitably catch the bastard, someone actually takes the time to study the
how's and whys of his actions BEFORE they string him up.
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