"Michael Cash" <mikecash@buggerallspammers.com> wrote in message 
> This is a copy-n-paste of a mail I sent to one of those groups which
> functions mainly as a place for Debito to post his press releases.
> I thought my favorite bunch of reprobates might get a kick out of it:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Not a big deal, nor anything other than what I expected when I walked
> into the store, but I still gave them a ration of shit over it.
> Thought I'd share....
> Today, around noon, I stopped by a Family Mart in Nerima-ku and
> noticed that they were having a big sign-up campaign for a new Family
> Mart credit card they're introducing. I recognized the regular store
> staff from multiple previous visits to the store. They were all just
> performing their regular duties. FM had sent in some outside help to
> do the campaign work.
> One was stationed by the door. One was stationed by the ATM. And a
> couple more wore working the aisles of the store. Of course, they were
> attempting to pass out card applications to everyone who came in.
> Everyone except me, that is. The door guy, who had been
> enthusiastically greeting all comers and offering applications to
> them, stood there still as a statue and silent as the grave when I
> came in.
> So I thought I'd pass by the ATM guy and see what happened. Same
> thing. Ditto the two guys working the aisles.
> Just to make certain how aggressive they were in accosting any and all
> customers, I wandered around the store for perhaps 10 minutes (I went
> in at about 12:10 and left at 12:25), passing slowly by each of the
> campaign staff, looking just as approachable and unhurried as I could
> to give them ample opportunities to make their pitch to me.
> What happened each time was the still-n-silent statue impersonation,
> immediately replaced with aggressive accosting of the nearest Japanese
> customer the instant I had passed by them. Hell, they were following
> customers around the store continuing their harrangue as the customers
> attempted to complete their shopping.
> After that had gone on about 10 minutes and I figured I had amply
> observed the degree of their agressivity and given them at least a
> dozen chances to make their offer to me I decided it was time to ask
> if there was some reason for what was quite obviously an effort to
> studiously ignore me.
> What ensued was one of those bizarre situations where Japanese
> adamantly maintain that they are NOT discriminating....and
> discriminating all the while they're doing it. Anyone who has ever
> gone apartment hunting in Japan has probably encountered this and can
> relate to what I'm talking about.
> As I was embarassing them by making a stink in the crowded store,
> right next to the table where a couple of customers (one of them a
> high school boy) were filling out applications, they very quickly
> tried to usher me into the storeroom to continue the conversation.
> Since raising a public stink over it was exactly what I wanted to do I
> remained right where I was.
> I got the name and employee number of the main guy (who was from the
> FM Honbu) and wrote it down for future reference. I wish I had thought
> to ask for his name card.
> No, I don't care to sue Family Mart or the campaign staff. Nor do I
> really care to bother with contacting the Honbu and registering a
> complaint with them. I met the situation as it was, where it was, and
> dealt with it just about as much as I care to. But I thought my fellow
> foreigners in Japan might wish to keep an eye on their neighborhood
> Family Mart and watch to see when they put on a credit card sign-up
> campaign. If you have a few minutes to spare, wander around and make
> it obvious that you are in no hurry to leave the store. I'm interested
> in seeing if anyone gets approached and offered an application.

Sort of Japanese disease.

Now my wife says she will send a letter to the head office of FM
tomorrow. She seems eager to know how they "justify" this kind
of stinking practice. If she gets a response from FM, I will make
public here.


> --
> Michael Cash
> "I am sorry, Mr. Cash, but we are unable to accept your rap sheet in lieu of
> a high school transcript."
> Dr. Howard Sprague
> Dean of Admissions
> Mount Pilot College