Re: Politicians block comic over 'fake' Nanjing Massacre tale
Eric Takabayashi wrote:
> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>Why did the US go to Iraq,
>>>and why should the UN have helped?
>>Since I don't think there should be any such thing as the UN, I
>>obviously don't think the UN should have had anything to do with it.
> I am surprised you did not bring up regime change, which is one of the current claims
> and which I am also in favor of.
Well, regime change is part of preemption.
> So why doesn't the US go after any other threat to its security, such as North Korea?
I don't know what "go after" means.
> Why don't they lean harder on Pakistan and Saudi Arabia? Why doesn't the US enforce
> freedom and democracy on other parts of the world?
I don't know what "enforce" means here. My first response would be,
"Because it is not in the US's interests to do so". The US, like every
other nation, acts out of self-interest.
- Kevin
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