Re: Politicians block comic over 'fake' Nanjing Massacre tale
Michael Cash wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 15:49:54 +0900, Eric Takabayashi
> <> brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>>Michael Cash wrote:
>>>>Why? Would you prefer I be one of the 70% of the American public who believes
>>>>Iraq had anything to do with 9/11?
>>>I'd prefer that you join me in the 1% of the American public who
>>>recognizes that opinion polls have no strong relation to reality.
>>Do you mean that contrary to survey findings, many Americans do NOT believe in any
>>links, or simply that Iraq had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks and respondents
>>mistakenly believe in them?
> I should have written that more clearly. I intended it in a general
> way, not specifically to the Iraq-911 connection (or lack thereof).
The 9/11 Commission Report was quite clear on the Iraq-al Qaeda
connection. Of course, that is not the same thing as an Iraq-911
connection. The administration has never claimed an Iraq-911 connection.
- Kevin
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