cc wrote:
> "Kevin Gowen" <> wrote in message
>>>That's true about all the world. The US government is the only one
> that's
>>>able to guarantee a steady income to a large number of companies that
> invest
>>>in research. So, maintaining the war machine serves at least for
> something.
>>Indeed. What else would Europe do when it gets SS-20s pointed at it?
> Nothing. If the US attacks Europe, Europe will be destroyed in a few hours,
> completely. Fighting back wouldn't save us, destroying the ennemy would just
> kill our expat researchers, those that could try to rebuild a civilisation
> after the mess.

What on earth are you talking about?

> Other issues we may get are not the kind of problem you handle with
> sophisticated weapons.

Yes, you handle them with a 35-hour work week.

- Kevin