
> Kevin Gowen <> wrote:
>> wrote:
>>>Kevin Gowen <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>Which civil right would that be?
>>>>>>>I would imagine even Florida could be expected to keep up with the news,
>>>>>>>Mr Gowen. 
>>>>>>Quite an imagination you have there if you think marriage, let alone 
>>>>>>same-sex marriage, is a right
>>>>>Marriage is indeed a right, Mr Gowen.
>>>>Sorry, but it is not. 
>>>Sorry, but it is.
>>No, it is not, as I have explained in the text that you have snipped.
> The fact that you do not understand something does not validate your
> opinion. Marriage is, like a good many things, a civil right.

By no definition of the term is it a civil right, or a right at all. How 
many rights can you name that are predicated on a license granted by the 

> Sorry, but even a lawyer could be expected to know that.

No, they spend most of the time in law school telling us about how Larry 
Flynt saved the Constitution and that blacks cannot get by without a 
handout. This is why we must support affirmative action. Also, abortion 
is the solution to our nation's racial tensions.

> At least, all those of my acquaintace do.

I wonder how many of your acquaintances voted for Nixon. Weren't you 
shocked in '72!

- Kevin