Michael Cash wrote:

> On 19 Aug 2004 08:20:39 -0700, worthj1970@yahoo.com (John W.) brought
> down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>>Michael Cash <mikecash@buggerallspammers.com> wrote in message news:<iiu8i09id85ml31vfj4ef4rm9eflv9foe9@4ax.com>...
>>>It'll be cool to see all the Senators out there in their best formal
>>Not this lot. Ted will probably be dead by then, so who will be left?
> He'll be there. He's The Kennedy Who Can't Be Killed.

The Schwarzenegger/Shriver marriage is a genetic experiment to produce a 
bulletproof Kennedy.

> Of course, his toga will probably be by Speedo and he'll have a swim
> mask and snorkel to go with it.

The two Massachusetts senators are quite a contrast. One dove into water 
risking life and limb for a pet hamster.

- Kevin