The 2-Belo wrote:
> Kevin Gowen and is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>>The 2-Belo wrote:
>>>Kevin Gowen and is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>>>>What server are you on? As you probably know, Corbantis is the
>>>>unofficial Japanese server. I'm Emcee, Imperial Colonel and Master
>>>>Smuggler if you ever need faction.
>>>Hmm. Actually I'm on Ahazi (toon name Reikanido Tubilo, residing in the city of
>>>Eden Prairie on Naboo. Imperial Staff Sergeant, Rifleman 3/2/1/1).
>>>But Corbantis is also doable, although I'd have to start all over again at n00b
>>Is Rifleman still *the* profession to be? I haven't played that much for
>>the past few months and when I have, I've mostly been in Theed slicing
>>or selling faction.
> Apparently so, since most of the coveted megaweapons are rifles. Although I'm
> seeing a lot more pistoleers of late (I've started grinding up that tree as
> well).
I see. I've been a number of professions, but never as part of the
hologrind. I'm currently Master TK and Master Smuggler, with about half
of the pistoleer tree.
>>To tell the truth, I've been looking for new things
>>to do. I could start a new character on Ahazi, I suppose. Right now I am
>>holding out for the new Jedi system but more importantly, th space
>>expansion. I've been squirreling my credits away so I can buy my
>>freighter as soon as possible, although I'll get the pleasure yacht
>>automatically since I've been in the game since launch day.
>>If you ever want to start an alt character, a few other fjlij'ers and I
>>would welcome you to Corbantis. I think it's a pretty good server. There
>>are actually a few Little Tokyos and at least one Chinatown.
> If you let me know what your toon name is and where you're at, I just might do
> that.
I live outside of Theed and can usually be found at Theed starport
selling faction. Toon name is Emcee.
- Kevin
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