"MonkeyBoy" <somewildmonkey@yahoo.com>, iletide sunu yazdi
> "Murgi" <srindler@da2.so-net.ne.jp> wrote in message
> > This is a similar case as the Yasukinu Jinja issue...
> >
> > About 15 years ago I went to Akihabara for a computer purchase. Since I
> > wanted to compare the specs and prices in various shops, I made some
> > A salesman come up to me and told me to stop writing.  I gave him a
> > but determined response to get lost. A minute later I was approached
> > by the store's manager who told me the same and threatened to call the
> > police if I didn't comply...
> > Since I had already everything I needed,  I just left and bought the
> > elsewhere.
> > Does anybody know the prevailing Japanese law about this one? I should
> > the right to make notes in whatever form I want. I am no genius who
> > memorizes tons of data...
> > On the other hand, I had the same trouble twice in a department of a
> > home center where I was even banned from revisiting by the chief of the
> > house for not complying. Since there were plenty of  other outlets I
> > couldn't care less.
> > I know that restaurants and other private enterprises can refuse
> > for various reasons.
> >
> >
> > Sigi
> They are afraid that you are a "scout" from a competitor, there to
> gather prices so you can mark them down 10 yen back at your own store.
> Ridiculous paranoia.

Not that ridiculous actually. In one of the hotels I worked for in the past
we have founded a department, "Market Research", whose sole purpose was
exactly that, investigating the prices of the competition. We used to gather
proposals for *dummy* long terms stays, *dummy* meetings, check on the
banquet clients of the competition everyday etc. Looking back now, I must
have put up with some shitty work back than to get promoted...