"MonkeyBoy" <somewildmonkey@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Well, I almost bit the dust today . . .
> I was walking onto the sidewalk from the parking lot of my apartment.
> In an instant I jumped back reflexively as a large bicycle containing
> one mom and no less than two children (one fore, one aft) flew by me
> at warp speed.  It was morning, I was on my way to work and still a
> bit sleepy, but fortunately I was alert enough to avoid this
> collision.  For sure, if I hadn't moved so quickly, there was no way
> she was going to be able to maneuver around me.  I cringe when I think
> of the possible consequences.
> Now all consideration of pedestrian responsibility set aside for the
> moment, I cannot for the life of me understand how a mother can be so
> utterly reckless, barreling down these sidewalks with entire family on
> board.  I ride a bike here very often and am extremely cautious
> approaching blind driveways, intersections, etc..  And that is with
> only myself on the bike. Sure I've had pedestrians come darting out of
> buildings, walking zig-zag, etc., so that is why I remain alert and
> actually slow down sometimes.
> These moms, they get up to speed and apparently aquire so much
> momentum they are unable to slow down, let alone stop in an emergency.
> Thanks for hearing me out - had to vent this one off :-)
> Regards,
> MB

I still find it amazing that people ride on pavements and not roads.
Its illegal in the UK to drive on pavements.
It would be interesting to know how many accidents there are involving
bicycles and pedetrians.
I've had one crash , I had a head on with another bike going around a blind
Luckily the several pints and long island Ice teas helped cushion my fall.