"Simon" <shepshep1@excite.com> wrote in message
> "Michael Cash" <mikecash@buggerallspammers.com> wrote in message
> news:hv5ie0le1ts4vr7hunvhgb39obfm1677ol@4ax.com...
> > On Mon, 05 Jul 2004 05:38:13 GMT, "Simon" <shepshep1@excite.com>
> > brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
> >
> > >Hi all, we'll be visiting Japan later this year and my wife is telling
> > >she'd like the Japanese version of XP if its not too expensive. Does
> anyone
> > >know any shops in Tokyo or Osaka where they sell XP cheep, I can buy
> > >English version for less than 65 pounds in the UK so I'm hoping its
> similar
> > >in Japan.
> > >Thanks for any information.
> >
> > When you get here, buy the cheapest motherboard you can find and at
> > the same time purchase a copy of XP which is meant to be sold as OEM.
> > Much cheaper than just purchasing it the normal way. Throw the
> > motherboard away.
> >
> Thanks for the info.
> You can buy oem software here without any hardware, is that not possible
> Japan?
> Sorry to sound like a cheapskate. Also can you recommend any shops or am I
> best just looking round Akihabara?
> Simon.

Is your missus fairly computer savvy and/or are you equally savvy using a
copy of Japanese XPee?

Are you planning a to install this software as the sole operating system or
as a dual-boot option?  This was why I mentioned the Japanese Multi-User
Interface.  Installation, configuration and maintenance in English.
Operation, help menus etc. in Japanese (or English!).  XPee Pro is a
requirement however.  Where to purchase the MUI?  You can't - it's not
available for retail sale...it's that man in the pub again...
