Re: Personal seals
IMO, the following is a good example of "Baka no Kabe." I wish that Jim
Breen will include the phrase in his next edition of Jdict.
In article <w2YDc.78984$>,
"necoandjeff" <> wrote:
:"shuji matsuda" <> wrote in message
:> Aliens should have their
:> passports to prove their identity.
:Some planets in our galaxy don't even use passports.
:> the alien
:> could not produce any document that backs up his Kanji-written name.
:Perhaps he came from a planet that uses mind-melding to communicate
:information rather than written documents.
:> This is not a problem of race, but of authenticity of the name written.
:Sounds like the problem is a lack of interplanetary standards to me.
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