Re: 親子ソーランの歌手/Who sings this version o =?ISO-8859-1?Q?f_"Oyako_Souran"??=
I haven't heard of anything like that, but I found this page.運動会ロック民謡ベスト-市橋美和/dp/B00005HX4Y
"Oyako Souran" is the third track.
> 3. ロック民謡・親子ソーラン(市橋美和,江島ちあき)
It's interesting that professional Minyou (民謡)singers sang for this
album, while the music seems to have a totally different taste.
On 11/24/07 12:17 PM, wrote:
> 私は日本語は話じょずじゃないです。ごめんなさい。
> 誰が親子ソーランを歌った?歌手は女の人。
> ギターとドラムがいっぱいですから、
> ロックアンドロルの歌です。
> 誰が歌った、何年だった?
> ありがとう。
> I heard a version of "Oyako Souran" at an Undokai. This
> version sounds somewhat like rock and roll version, with
> emphasis on drums and electric guitars. The vocalist was
> female.
> There might be many versions of this song, but who is likely
> to be the singer or band and what year did it come out?
> NarniaFan
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