Steve Bartlett wrote:
> I am looking for an expert opinion, book, or a thesis on the
> difficulty of non-native, or 'halfu' (half Japanese) children adapting
> to life in Japan, after having been away for many years, and having no
> working knowledge of the Japanese culture, language or school system.

Well, I will give you a non-expert opinion.

The difficulty will depend on many factors, including:
* The personality of the children
* The age of the children (elementary/JHS/HS and pre vs. post-puberty)
* In race of the children
    o Non-Asian
    o Non-Japanese Asian
    o Half Japanese -- and if so what the other race is and how "Japanese"
they look
    o Nikkei (Both parents Japanese)
* Where in Japan they live (e.g. Tokyo vs. BFE)
* The kind of school they go to (e.g. American vs. public)
* The attitudes of the parents
* The social status of the family

I would say that depending on these and other factors, the difficulty could
range from very little to pretty much insurmountable.

Ryan Ginstrom